
BW Platform Deployment Guide


Implement the following marketing steps to help increase platform awareness and engagement at your property.

Wi-Fi Splash Page

The Wi-Fi splash page is the page guests are directed to upon connecting to your hotel's Wi-Fi.

We highly recommend that you configure your splash page to open the platform. Hotels that set up the platform on their Wi-Fi splash page can have up to 25 times more platform users than hotels that do not.
  1. Go to the Runtriz Dashboard and locate App Links.

  2. Copy the link under Wifi Link.

  3. Have your IT Manager set up this Wifi Link as your Wi-Fi splash/landing page.

Wifi link

Tip: Once implemented, you can start tracking how many users are accessing the platform through the Wi-Fi splash page under Traffic Sources in Analytics.

Send the Platform to your Guests

Drive more people to the platform and enhance the digital experience by sending the platform directly to your guests. With SendApp, Runtriz's referral tool, there are multiple ways this can be done.

Send the Platform via the Request Management System (RMS)

Have the Front Desk Staff send the platform to guests through the RMS.

  1. Go to Request Management System (RMS).

  2. Enter in guest’s Email or Phone Number into the Send Guest Application input box.

  3. Click the send button.

  4. Verify that guest has received message and clicks the link to be redirected to Hotel Platform.


For more information, click here.

Send the Platform via text

Have guests text a number to receive the platform.

  1. Go to the Runtriz Dashboard and locate Text App Information.

  2. Have guests text the Text Code to the SMS Number listed to receive the platform.

    Text SendApp

Tip: Have marketing collateral with the SMS number in the lobby, front desk, rooms, so guests can text themselves the platform at any given time.

Showcase the platform and have guests send it to themselves

Set up your front desk tablet with SendApp to easily share the platform with your guests.

  1. Go to the Runtriz Dashboard and locate App Links.

  2. Copy the link under SendApp Link

    SendApp link

  3. Open the link in your tablet or any other device with which you would like to showcase the device.

    SendApp Site

For more information, click here.

Marketing Materials

Guests need to know about the platform so they can use it.

Make sure to display these marketing materials throughout your property!

Type Size Recommended Location Preview
Table Tent 4" x 6" Front Desk (Option 1)
Table Tent 4" x 6" Front Desk (Option 2)
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