
Your staff are the ambassadors of your platform

Guide Overview

This article focuses on empowering your staff to become ambassadors of the Best Western Mobile Engagement Platform through two main sections:
Staff Training - what do your staff need to know to maintain a successful platform?
Staff Engagement - how should your staff be engaging with guest and what tools are at their disposal to ensure a healthy and successful platform?

Staff Training

What do your staff need to know to maintain a successful platform? The answer is the Request Management System and key features that the property feels are most beneficial to your types of guests.

1) How well does your staff know the platform?

An essential step in boosting platform engagement is ensuring staff are well informed about the platform and its benefits.

All staff should be able to:
Identify 1-3 lead features (Guest services, expedited checkout, local recommendations, etc)
Be able to communicate the value of those features to guests
Fully understand the Request Management System
2) Request Management System

These are the 3 main topics your staff should be trained on:

1. Guest Requests (Tickets)

Understanding how to mark a request as open, in progress, and complete.

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2. Staff Messaging

  • Communicating with guest using the messenger tool
  • Guest Channel
  • Messaging Templates

3. RMS SendApp Tool

Staff Engagement

The above section illustrated what your staff should know, whereas, this section focuses on how to use that information to drive guest engagement and usage. The two main techniques at your staff’s disposal are mentioning the platform and utilizing the Runtriz Tools:

1) Mentioning the Platform

An important factor in delivering an excellent customer experience for your guests is predicting their needs and wants. This is why it’s important for your staff to knowledge of key features that fill those guest needs.

Example 1: Did you know you can do an express checkout through our Best Western Mobile Engagement Platform?

Example 2: I noticed you’re here for vacation, we have some awesome Staff Picks & Local Recommendations in our Best Western Mobile Engagement Platform! Don’t forget to check them out.

2) Utilizing the Runtriz Tools

Runtriz has two main tools within the Request Management System, the SendApp Tool and Guest Messaging.

1. SendApp

The RMS SendApp allows your staff to send the platform to the guest’s email or SMS device using the search bar at the top of the screen.

Example 1: Did you know you can do an express checkout through the platform? May I have your information and I can send you the link?

Example 2: I noticed you’re here for vacation, we have some awesome Staff Picks & Local Recommendations in our Best Western Mobile Engagement Platform! May I have your information and I can send you the link?

2. Guest Messaging

Guest Messaging is crucial in terms of communication and increasing staff efficiency. Our recommended Messaging best practices are:

With every request, your staff should be sending at least one message to the guest

The guest should never be the last one to send a message to guest.

Staff should utilize the messaging templates created by the management team to deliver a personalized experience for the guest.

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